Survey To Go Studio Download

How To Export Survey Results. Export settings via the STG studio. There are a few main things regarding exporting that can be modified within the survey. Start up PC Survey. Go to Project -> Authorize. In this dialog box, there is a site code. Download the pocketsu.exe file. Launch the pocketsu.exe file.

  1. Survey To Go Studio Download


Limesurvey is the number one open-source survey software.

Advanced features like branching and multiple question types make it a valuable partner for survey-creation.


Survey to go studio download

See our Administration Demo.The credentials are prefilled, just click Log in

Or try taking one of our test surveys

How to install


We try to publish a release every other day.We recommend using those.


You may want to use the plain repository, which is also possible.

Please be advised, that we sometimes push development versions into the repository, which may not be working correctly.



The absolute minimal requirements are:

  • Apache >= 2.4 nginx >= 1.1 any other php-ready webserver
  • php >= 5.4
    • with mbstring and pdo-database drivers
  • mysql >= 5.5.3 pgsql >= 9 mariadb >= 5.5 mssql >= 2005


We recommend the following setup

  • nginx 1.4.6
  • php 5.6.x
    • with php-fpm, mbstring, gd2 with freetype, imap, ldap, zip, zlib and databse drivers
  • mysql 5.5.50


for more information please refer to our homepage, or have a look at the manual


LimeSurvey software is licenced under the GPL 2.0.

Pictures and the LimeSurvey Logo are registered trademarks of LimeSurvey GmbH, Hamburg, Germany.

Tools used

We are using BrowserStack to run manual tests on different browsers and devices

We are using Scrutinizer to static check our code

Survey To Go Studio Download

Survey to go studio download

We are using TravisCI to run automated tests before release



The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically drivencross-national survey that has been conducted across Europe since itsestablishment in 2001. Every two years, face-to-face interviews areconducted with newly selected, cross-sectional samples. The surveymeasures the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of diversepopulations in more than thirty nations. Taken from the ESSwebsite.

Note: The essurvey package was originally called ess. Sinceessurvey 1.0.0 all ess_* functions have been deprecated in favour ofthe import_* and download_* functions. Also, versions less than andincluding essurvey 1.0.1 returned wrong countries. Please install thelatest CRAN/Github version.

The essurvey package is designed to download the ESS data as easily aspossible. It has a few helper functions to download rounds (a termsynonym to waves to denote the same survey in different time points),rounds for a selected country and to show which rounds/countries areavailable. Check out the vignette and other documentation in thepackage’s website for moredetailed examples of the essurvey package.


You can install and load the development version with these commands:

or the stable version with:


First, you need to register at the ESS website, in case you haven’t.Please visit theregister section fromthe ESS website. If your email is not registered at their website, anerror will be raised prompting you to go register.

Set your valid email as en environment variable.

To explore which rounds/countries are present in the ESS use theshow_*() family of functions.

To download the first round to use in R:

This will return a data frame containing the first round. Typically, theEuropean Social Survey data files comes with a script that recodesmissing values to NA for different programs (Stata, SPSS, SAS).

Use recode_missings to recode all values automatically.

See the package vignette for greater detail or see the help page with?recode_missings. You can also download several rounds by supplyingthe number of rounds.

This will download all latest versions of rounds 1 through 5 and returna list of length 5 with each round as a data frame inside the list.

You can check the available rounds with show_rounds() because if yousupply a non existent round, the function will return an error.

Alternatively, you can download all available rounds withimport_all_rounds().

You can also download rounds by country:

Use show_countries() to see available countries andshow_country_rounds('Denmark') to see available rounds for chosencountry. Alternatively, use import_all_cntrounds() to download allavailable rounds of a country.

You should be be aware that data from the ESS survey should by analyzedby taking into consideration the sampling and weights of the survey. Auseful example comes from the work of Anthony Damico and Daniel Oberskihere.

Stata, SPSS and SAS users

I’m quite aware that most ESS users don’t know R, that is why thepackage also allows to download the data in Stata, SPSS or SAS formatwith just one line of code. Instead of the import_* functions, use thedownload_* functions.

This will save the ESS rounds into separate folders and unzip them inthe specified directory (if you want to know your current directory,type getwd()). This works the same way for download_country(). Beaware that if you download the files manually you should read them intoR with the haven package for all essurvey related functions to work.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code ofConduct. By participating in this project you agree toabide by itsterms.

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