Sonar Fish Finder Df48 Manual Download Free

Oct 4, 2012 - View and Download for Free: Garmin Fish Finder User Manual for Garmin 500c Portable. Free Download Portable. Finder df48, sonar fish. Need manual paget df48 sonar fish finder - Boating question. Hi i have a manual for this fish finder if anybody still needs it will post a pdf file for them to download or e mail it:fishing: regards nick thor662, Aug 29, 2010.

Thank You!
Stationary Float: The RSS™ can be used as a float in a
stationary location to monitor the area below, giving you a
live update as fish approach your bait.
designing and manufacturing top-quality, thoroughly
Activating the Wrist Mounted Display
environment. In the unlikely event that your Humminbird
When you first use the RF35 SmartCast
does require repairs, we offer an exclusive Service Policy-
Display you will need to activate the display battery. Use a
free of charge during the first six months after purchase,
coin to remove the battery door on the back of the Wrist
and available at a reasonable rate after the six month
Mounted Display, then remove the plastic strip located in
period. For complete details, see the warranty information
at the end of this manual. We encourage you to read this
operations manual carefully in order to get the full benefit
from all the features and applications of your Humminbird
• One Wrist Mounted Display with installed 2450 CR
• One extra 2450 CR battery
If any of these components are missing, please contact our
Customer Resource Center at either 1-800-633-1468 or
NOTE: The RF35 also comes in an International version that is
operation. Operation in cold weather will significantly reduce the
life of the battery.
WARNING! Disassembly and repair of this electronic unit should
NOTE: Your RF35 will start up in Watch mode after the battery is
only be performed by authorized service personnel. Any
installed initially. See Powering the Display ON and OFF and
modification of the serial number or attempt to repair the original
equipment or accessories by unauthorized individuals will void the
warranty. Handling and/or opening this unit may result in
exposure to lead, in the form of solder.
The line coming from your reel can be tied off to the front
WARNING! This product contains lead, a chemical known to the
hole in the Remote Sonar Sensor (RSS™). If you also wish
state of California to cause cancer, birth defects and other
to use the RSS™ as a conventional float, use the second
hole to attach your hook using a lighter weight line. A snag
WARNING! The bottom of the RSS™ should not be handled
will break the lighter line if you have to break free. Slip line
during sonar operation, as this may cause physical discomfort
techniques are not recommended because of the higher
and may result in personal injury in the form of tissue damage.
risk of losing the RSS™. If you do use the slip line
Handle the RSS™ only by the antenna tower when it has been
method, use a lighter weight line after the lower stop,
enabling retrieval of the RSS™ if the lower line with hook
WARNING! The RSS™ (Remote Sonar Sensor) is not intended
for use by children younger than 6 years old without adult
supervision as the RSS™ may represent a choking hazard to
Using the SmartCast
To scan an area, cast and then reel in at a
The SmartCast
is a first-
finder that is incredibly
attach the Remote Sonar
CAUTION: You will increase the possibility of breaking your line if
you use light test pound line on your reel. The RSS™ is positively
buoyant (is buoyant under its own weight plus 0.2 ounces or 5.7
g of bait and lead weight.) The maximum amount of weight for
any attachment to the RSS™ is approximately
(5.3 g to 5.8 g), and includes the combined weight of any hook,
line, weight, swivel/snap swivel and bait that is attached to the
RSS™. The RSS™ itself weighs 1 ounce (28 g), and therefore
light test line might break.
'echoes' are transmitted with wireless technology to the
NOTE: Store the RSS™ in a dry, non-metallic container, such as
RF35 and plotted on the display. New information appears
a tackle box, in a separate compartment, and isolated from any
on the right. As this information moves to the left a very
accurate picture of the underwater world is created,
including objects such as the bottom, fish, and structures,
as well as the depth of the bottom.
The Remote Sonar Sensor (RSS™) has a separate, non-
NOTE: The RF35 display is designed to be used with polarized
replaceable lithium battery that has a shelf life of three
sunglasses only when the user is looking straight at the screen.
years and will last for approximately 500 hours of in-water
You may not be able to read the display from other angles when
use (when the nighttime LED is turned off). Discard the
used RSS in compliance with local laws as you would any
WARNING! The electronic parts in the Remote Sonar Sensor
(RSS™) are made to withstand use when casting into water.
The RSS™ will turn on its Sonar Transmitter/Receiver
Because shock from abrupt contact with rocks can damage your
automatically when it is immersed in the water. Once
RSS™, we do NOT recommend using your RSS™ in water that
immersed, the RSS™ will begin transmitting the sonar
information via radio frequency (RF) to the Wrist Mounted
Display. The RSS™ automatically stops using power a few
seconds after being pulled out of the water.
WARNING! Do not place the RSS™ in a wet area when not in
use as this will turn on the RSS™ and shorten its usable life. Store
Sonar Graph: The RSS™ can be used to create a sonar
the RSS™ in a dry area when not in use to conserve power.
graph of the bottom. Cast the RSS™into the water beyond
Never place the RSS™ in a wet area of a boat or on a metal
an area of interest, then reel in the RSS™ at a slow and
steady rate. The digital display will provide precise
information for bottom contour, depth and structure below
NOTE: If the RSS™ was used in salt water, rinse it with fresh
the RSS™. Fish and bait fish will be displayed when
Wrist Mounted
the selected Depth Range (see Depth Range). The display
Underwater conditions vary greatly, so some experience
and interpretation is needed to realize all the benefits of the
– use the diagram as a guide to the most
common conditions and practice using the SmartCast
over known bottom types.
Press the RIGHT Cursor button to momentarily view the
time and date.
CR-type battery. These batteries
electronics retailers.
battery to last up to 40 hours of
Your RF35 has three power states:
• Normal Fishing Mode - used for fishing
• Watch Mode - low-power, continuous time display.
To turn the RF35 on, press the POWER-MENU button; the
Start-Up screen will appear, then automatically change to
Normal Fishing mode if you take no further action. To turn
the RF35 off, press the POWER-MENU button until you
hear a beep (indicating that you are in Watch mode), then
press the RIGHT Cursor button to shut down the display.
NOTE: If you leave the RF35 in Normal Fishing mode for more
than 10 minutes while it is waiting for a signal, the unit will timeout
automatically and enter Watch mode in order to save power.
when it has been in water.
knots, and tackle such as a
The second leader hole is for using the RSS
as a
float. Connect a lighter weight hook line to this hole.
submerge the RSS
, causing signal loss.
then release. The time and date will be continuously
displayed, indicating that the RF35 is in Watch mode. You
can press the POWER-MENU button again to return to
Start-Up in Normal Fishing
After pressing the POWER-MENU
Display, you will see the Start-Up
disappear automatically after two seconds have passed,
without further action from you. In Normal Fishing mode,
the screen will either display sonar information or the RF35
information is currently available.
Mounted Display and have cast the
data will start to be displayed. A
by a bottom depiction and possible fish
Start-Up in Simulator
To enter Simulator mode, press the
RF35, wait until you see the Start-up
Cursor Button. Once you are in Simulator mode, the display
will show the word Simulate, and then, after two seconds,
will show simulated data. To exit Simulator mode, you must
What's On the
enter Setup mode, press the POWER-
MENU button to turn on the RF35, wait
until you see the Start-Up Screen, then
quickly press the RIGHT Cursor Button
twice. Once you are in Setup mode,
the display will briefly flash the word Setup, then show the
Time and Date.
Changing the Time and Date
To change the Time and Date, enter Setup Mode (see
Start-Up in Setup Mode). When you see the Time and
Date display, the Hour digit will flash first, indicating that

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you can change the hour. Once you change the hour, you
must perform all of the following steps to get to the end of
NOTE: The flashing numeral or digit is the one that can be edited.
1. When you first enter Setup mode, press the RIGHT
Powering the
hour. Make sure that you have selected the correct
Display ON and
button to begin editing the minutes.
2. Press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor buttons repeatedly
to change the Minutes. When the desired minutes
are displayed, press the POWER-MENU button to
begin editing the month.
3. Press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor buttons repeatedly
displayed, press the POWER-MENU button to begin
4. Press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor buttons repeatedly to
change the day. When the desired day is displayed,
5. Press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor buttons repeatedly
displayed, press the POWER-MENU button to exit
Activating the Backlight
Use the backlight for night fishing or low light conditions.
NOTE: The display contrast may require adjustment for optimal
viewing in low light conditions when the backlight is activated.
To enter power-saving
Press the LEFT Cursor Button to activate the backlight.
The backlight will automatically turn off after approximately
3 seconds.
Sonar Fish Finder Df48 Manual Download Free
NOTE: The backlight can only be activated if the LEFT Cursor
Button is not currently being used (i.e. being used to alter a menu
Pressing the RIGHT Cursor Button will display the Time and
Date. If the RF35 is currently scrolling sonar information,
the Time and Date will be displayed, and then the unit will
automatically switch back to Sonar mode. If the RF35 is
waiting for sonar information, the Time and Date will be
displayed when the RIGHT cursor button is pressed, and
then the unit will automatically switch back to waiting for
Menu Features
A simple menu system accesses the adjustable features of
the POWER-MENU button; the first time you do this after
power up, the Sensitivity menu choice will appear. Once
MENU button will display the last menu choice viewed.
other SmartCast
menu choices, one at a time. When a
menu choice is on the display, use the RIGHT and LEFT
Cursor buttons to adjust the menu settings. Menus are
automatically removed from the display after several
until SENSITIVITY appears. Select a higher number to show
weaker sonar returns on the display, or a lower number to
remove clutter from the display. Adjusting Sensitivity also
affects how sonar returns are identified as Fish ID Symbols
- more fish will be detected at the highest setting of 10,
fewer at the lowest setting of 0. (1 - 10, Default = 5)
NOTE: Please read this and the next section BEFORE you try to
program the Advanced RSS using the wet switch contacts.
Specific step-by-step procedures to turn on the light and to
until DEPTH RANGE appears. Auto is the default setting.
change the channel follow this section. You will find it easier to
When in automatic, the lower range will be adjusted by the
perform these steps once you have grasped the way the
unit to follow the bottom. Selecting a manual depth range
locks it to the setting you select. (Auto, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60
or 120 feet [3, 5, 6, 10, 20, or 40 meters], Default = Auto)
• turn on the blinking light
NOTE: In manual operation, if the water depth is greater than the
depth range setting, the bottom will not be visible on the display.
Select Auto to return to automatic operation.
Depth scale changes or signal loss
user feedback to help you make the correct selections. The
temperature readout will change on the Control Head to
40°F (4°C), 45°F (7°C), 50°F (9°C) or 55°F (12°C) to
signify the following settings.
to keep the bottom in the lower third
NOTE: If the temperature readout is set for degrees Celsius then
the temperature readout will change on the Control Head to
4,7,9 or 12 to signify the following settings.:
automatic change in depth. New returns graphed at a
different scale will not match up with the historic data
already graphed at a higher or lower scale. Vertical lines
can also occur as the radio signal from the RSS™ is lost
and then regained in rough water conditions.
Fish Alarm
Press the POWER-MENU button
until FISH ALARM appears. Select Off for no fish alarm, or
On for fish alarm. Fish ID must be set to On for Fish Alarm
to work. (Off,On, Default = Off)
Fish ID
Press the POWER-MENU button
Raw Sonar
55°F (12°C)
returns, or On to view fish
symbols. Fish ID uses advanced signal processing to
and the CHANNEL SELECT SetUp menu on the Control Head
interpret sonar returns and will display a Fish Symbol when
must be set to Channel A (even if the RSS is set to Channel B)
very selective requirements are met. Fish Alarm does not
before you can see the feedback on the Control Head
sound if Fish ID is turned off. (On, Off, Default = On)
NOTE: The Advanced RSS programming mode will time out
after 20 seconds of no user activity, display the Start-Up screen,
button until CHANNEL appears. Select either A or B to
NOTE: If the temperature display returns to a normal reading, or
the Start-Up screen appears on the display, you are no longer in
programming mode.
How the Wet Switch™ Works
In the following sections, you will use the wet switch
until CONTRAST appears. Select a setting from 1 through
contacts on the bottom of the Advanced RSS to enter
programming mode and to change the Light and Channel
settings. Before you try these procedures for the first time,
please read through this section to familiarize yourself with
the way the Wet Switch™ works.
Advanced RSS may be programmed to either Channel A or
Channel B. This A/B Channel option gives you the flexibility
to switch to a different channel if another angler is using a
possible interference. See Changing the Channel on
the Advanced RSS for details on selecting either Channel
NOTE: RSS units, regardless of channel, may generate erratic
depth readings as a result of sonar interference when used in
Your finger should be moist, but not dripping, before you
close proximity (closer than 40 feet) to each other or to other
touch the Wet Switch™. You can achieve the correct
dampness by dipping your finger in water, then dabbing
Understanding the Advanced RSS
A 'touch' means touching both wet switch contacts at the
The Advanced RSS provides the following functionality:
same time with your moistened finger, using medium
pressure. The time between touches needs to be one
second or less.
NOTE: Your finger must make contact with both of the wet switch
pins simultaneously in order to tap them successfully.
See the procedures that follow for specific instructions
Water temperature will be displayed automatically on the
on turning the light on or off or changing the channel
from A to B.
You must manually program the Advanced RSS in order to
turn the light on or off or to change the RSS channel
setting to A or B.
Default settings on new products are Light = OFF and
Channel = A.
Advanced RSS three times (the time between
touches needs to be one second or less) to enter
You may change the light setting or the channel type on
the Advanced RSS using a programming mode that is
accessed by touching the wet switch contacts on the
bottom of the RSS.
Blinking light is OFF (factory default)
when the Advanced RSS is in the
RSS is set to CHANNEL A (factory
RSS is set to CHANNEL B
Control Head must be turned on


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Summary of Contents for Humminbird Fish Finder

  • Page 1 We encourage you to read this operations manual carefully in order to get the full benefit Make sure that the O-ring in from all the features and applications of your Humminbird ® the battery compartment is product.
  • Page 2 (1) This device may not cause harmful interference and; (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Humminbird the user’s authority to operate the device. ® Contact Humminbird..

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